Template:Exodus console first steps

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Try the following commands.

Command Comment
edic hello edic=edit+compile+catalog. Creates a skeleton hello.cpp file using nano editor. edic will only compile on exit if saved, so make some change before you exit.
hello Run it
compile hello compile without editing
edic testsort Browse a sample exodus program showing all fundamental database operations including dictionaries and list.
compile testsort compile the preinstalled test program
testsort Run it to generate some data and inspect the output
listfiles quick tool avoiding need to use any database client
list myclients text output - no page/column headers just yet sorry
list myclients (H) html output (port of a fully blown LIST replacement in heavy production use since 2000)
list dict_myclients NB the underscore after "dict" is *required*. "dict(SPACE)myclients" wont work
list dict_voc if you understand this then you understand your pick
edir myclients SB001 you can edit data or dictionaries directly. edir="edit record"
delete myclients SB001 useful command line tool
createfile tempfile ditto
deletefile tempfile ditto
createindex myclients CLIENT_TYPE speeds up select commands on the indexed fields in the traditional way
deleteindex myclients CLIENT_TYPE filenames are case insensitive, keys and fieldnames are CASE SENSITIVE

If you get the following error then you have not completed the installation of the Exodus plugin for Postgres.

PGRES_FATAL_ERROR: ERROR: function exodus_extract_text(bytea, integer, integer, integer) does not exist