Building on Windows

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Building Exodus on Windows

Setting up Exodus Build Environment on Windows

Install and configure MS VC++ Step_by_step_instructions#INSTALL_COMPILER ignoring any configuration "for Exodus"

Install and configure Postgresql: Step_by_step_instructions#INSTALL_DATABASE ignoring any configuration "for Exodus"

Install Subversion client: You can ignore its suggestion to reboot after installation.

Get Boost Libraries

Install or build Boost 1_46_1 binary libraries and header/include source files.

You only need the release versions if you are simply packaging Exodus for release. You need Boost debug version libraries only to develop/debug Exodus

Built from source

Building Boost 32/64 on Windows

Ready-made from Exodus project


Header/Includes: Building_Boost_32/64_on_Windows#Get_Boost_Source

Ready-made from BoostPro x86 only

Includes source. GET VERSION 1_46_1 Visual Studio 2010 mt and mt-debug version Installing_Boost.

Get Exodus Source/Build Files

NB always use HTTPS not http for the subversion link below - just in case you need to commit any changes back up into the subversion repository.


  1. Create a folder called "exodus" F:\exodus
  2. Right exodus click and choose "SVN checkout"
  3. url of respository: HTTPS://


svn co HTTPS:// c:\exodus

Configuring Exodus for Building

copy the config0.bat to config.bat and edit it to reflect your configuration

If you are only building x64 then you dont need to set the x32 variables

Build Using Visual Studio

The exodus_all.sln relies on environment variables to identify location of boost, postgresql. All the necessary environment variables are set in config.bat.

To open visual studio with all the right environment variables set you must run dev.bat which calls config.bat and then opens your solution

run dev.bat which sets up the environment and opens visual studio

  1. Select Configuration: Release or Debug
  2. Select Platform: x64 or Win32
  3. Build the solution
  4. Debug/Run the solution - should get an exodus/cmd command console
  5. type configexodus, testsort, edic etc.

Building Using Scripts or Command Line


Packaging Exodus


Old Info

Building on Windows - Old Version