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Visual C++ compiler

If you have VS C++ 2003/2005/2008 already installed then you have nothing to do, otherwise do a standard install of free VS Express C++ (2008 currently) preferably in the default location on C: or parallel default location but on the same drive as Exodus. No need for any SQL or options.


If you do not need calculated dictionary entries and are prepared to install the exodus plugin yourself then you can use a remote postgres server otherwise the postgres server needs to run on the same host as exodus.

If you have any version 8+ of postgres installed then you have nothing to install, otherwise do a standard install of postgres (8.3 currently) preferably in the default location on C: or parallel default location but on the same drive as Exodus.

Exodus needs to be granted a postgres username, password and database to work in - and preferably rights to create databases and users. By default, Exodus uses the following to connect or you can put a file called .exodus containing some similar line in your home directory (%USERPROFILE% on windows).

host= port=5432 dbname=exodus user=exodus password=somesillysecret connect_timeout=10

Use the installed PGAdminIII or your preferred postgres client to create the chosen user and database. If you prefer SQL, use the following:


Downloading and Installing Exodus

Note where you install Exodus and create shortcut to exodus.exe and start it. It gives you a normal command prompt but with the environment setup appropriately.

Try the following commands.

Command Comment
edit test Creates a skeleton test.cpp file using nano editor with exodus. edit will compile on exit if saved, so make some change before you exit.
test Run it
compile test compile without editing
edit testsort Browse a sample exodus program showing all fundamental database operations including dictionaries and list.
testsort Run it and inspect the output
listfiles quick tool avoiding need to use any database client
list test_clients text output - no page/column headers just yet sorry
list test_clients (H) html output (port of a LIST replacement in heave use since 2000)
list dict_test_clients nb the underscore after "dict" is required - dict(space)voc wont work
list dict_voc if you understand this then you understand your pick
edit test_clients SB001 you can edit data or dictionaries directly
delete test_clients SB001 useful command line tool
createfile tempfile ditto
deletefile tempfile ditto
createindex test_clients CLIENT_TYPE speeds up select commands on the indexed fields in the traditional way
deleteindex test_clients CLIENT_TYPE filenames are case insensitive, keys and fieldnames are not

Documentation how to program in Exodus

Sorry nothing yet but you might be able to work out what functions are available from the following:

include\mv.h lists the massive var class definition

include\exodusfuncs.h lists the pickish function-like statements avoiding the need to use oo style for those that don’t like it

include\exodusmacros.h lists a few keywords to simplify programming for application programmers not interested in the raw power of c++

Source code and Exodus development environment has pointer to subversion repo with full source code and solution to rebuild exodus from scratch. Also a script for a basic build and install on linux (redhat but probably works with minor tweaks anywhere).

this devwiki site was written more in mind with BUILDING exodus from scratch. It will now be updated to reflect USING exodus as well.

I would be grateful if you can put any jottings down in the wiki ... Open a new page from the main page and just dump or just jot in an email and send it to me