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Installing Exodus on Mac is almost identical to installing on Linux but it is a little harder to acquire and configure the dependencies.
[[OSX 10.6.4 Snow Leopard]]

This install was performed on OSX 10.5.5 (Leopard)
[[OSX 10.5.5 Leopard]]
=== Installing dependencies ===
==== Installing C++ compiler ====
Older macs might need to install XCODE tools from after free registration. This is unfortunately a large 1Gb download.
Newer macs have XCODE tools installer in the Applications or Library folder and you just have to install it.
The XCODE package includes subversion
==== Installing Postgres ====
Once downloaded, just do a standard install and remember the admin user password.
==== Installing Boost ====
Minimum required is boost 1_33. Here we install 1.38.
Optionally get ICU to fully support unicode in boost regex. How to do this on Mac OSX is unknown at the moment.
Download and unpack Boost Source
In safari get and move it to your home directory.
Open a classic console shell (terminal)
cd ~
tar xvf boost_1_38_0.tar.bz2
cd boost_1_38_0
./configure --help
./configure --with-libraries=date_time,filesystem,regex,thread
Optionally, speed up the build of Boost by only doing the libraries and versions required. ADD additional config to the BJAM_CONFIG line as follows:
nano Makefile
BJAM_CONFIG= -j4 variant=release link=shared
Build Boost
Install Boost after becoming superuser
sudo make install
Ensure boost includes can be found. This step might be eliminated in a better Exodos installer.
sudo ln -s /usr/local/include/boost-1_38/boost /usr/local/include/boost
=== Building and Installing exodus ===
Download Exodus using Subversion
cd ~
mkdir exodus
cd exodus
svn co
cd trunk/exodus
Ensure postgres can be found (change 8.3 to your version) and check pg_config can run
Confirm where your boost libraries are installed and what their suffix is if any.
find /usr | grep libboost
Use a modified configure command using the boost library suffix from the previous step. The leading - is required.
./configure.bsd -xgcc40-mt
sudo make install
An additional installation step that unfortunately has to be done by hand at the moment.
sudo ln -s /usr/local/include/exodus-9.6/exodus /usr/local/include/exodus
From here on the steps are almost identical to [[Log_of_an_installation_of_libexodus_on_Centos_5.3]]

Latest revision as of 22:57, 29 May 2011